cat circus cats

my life is a cat circus #8

1:38:00 PMPaul

let me tell you bout this denver shit

so i was on the news. the local news. in the background, for five seconds. at 8AM.  in the morning.  i can't find any footage, yet, but i was tired, rained on, and disoriented so it's probably not worth seeing anyway, like pretty much everything i do (oh!!).

And this is interesting-- most Chux Chazerz are probz aware I used to bone out for Jonathan Richman pretty hard.  Well, look at this.  He played at the Bug shortly before the Acrocats did so I can say something like, "Ian Clemente has shared the stage with the likes of Jonathan Richman." Anyway, I know Jonathan pretends not to be interested in the interneted or, really, anything at all, except like, art and foreign languagem but this is my shout out to Jonathan Richman from Ian who has played somewhere you has.  Yo Jojo!!

let some other people tell y'all bout this denver shit

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