Those of you who know me, know I've had plenty of horrible adventures in the Northwest. I've met various villains, scads of cads and boundless bounders. I had hoped that returning there may convince me that not everyone in Seattle is a complete creep. So so so close! And those who've kept up with my travels and travails know that Seattle was pretty much a lousy time all around. Instead of leaving further indelible damning demarcations, and instead of extending this into two parts as originally planned, I offer this photo essay with limited commentary interruption.
The Gypsy Cafe at 35h and Stone Way, where I had lots of coffee and met someone who I didn't think was horrible... |
The Marco Polo hotel at Aroura and 40th, where bunches of people stayed. They weren't too horrible. |
The ever-popular Troll on Troll Ave and 34th (I think). Bunches of people saw it, though that was the first time for me. |
This was near the theater. Cute. |
What Seattle thinks of her nayburr. |
This was behind the theater. |
And for anyone who's wondering, Kerric was there. |
Trust me, this is the best this city's ever looked. |
Probably the best thing I saw in Seattle. This can be found in the men's bathroom of the Dubliner, along with plenty other good graf, on Fremont and 36th, I believe. |
Supposedly the Center of the Universe, found in a city that supposedly embraces the offbeat and not-totally-white-bread... |
I thought signs like this only existed in that swell, sweltering cesspool of swill, Philadelphia. |
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