Due to pending active litigative action and legal law--and not because of complete lack of interest, as you may assume--we unfortunately will be discontinuing our "Andy Sightings" series. Here is one last letter that we were legally cleared to post...
Andy K., Memphis, TN
"Paul and Ian Paul and Ian PAULANDIAN!!!!!!
I saaaawwwww yooouuuuuuuuuuu. You didn't know it but I saw you. I was at home in New York visiting fmaily and I was getting a hot dog at Han Bat (best in town!) right before some karaoke (I was gonna go in and lip synch) and there were these two guys... They we just like i don't know perched up on the awning and staring at people ike they were gonna hunt them! I got a quick, blurry picutre but I startled them. They jump off and run away. So I follow them down the street and they didn't know and you don't need to know this but they started holding hands.
When I caught up with them again, they were crawling under moving traffic and trying to direct it, screaming SQUISHY!!! Of course the taxis were very very patient. No just kidding. They were patient and then they started rolling on the street and saying Worrrrrrrmmsss!! This went on for a couple hours so I went and did my carryokie when I finished at the bar it was dawn after 15 encorces. And I thought I had seen the last of those guys but the next day sa fter not singing, there was a rufkus in the town square. At opposite ends, and nocking over people they were charging at each other and I guess keeping score they tried to get other people involved and keeping score but i volunteered and they said AUNT AGNEW andran away again!
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